Sobre a Animação e vida real dos Romanov.
Get to know the story of the woman who claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia.
By Bianca Nobre
Updated in 29/10/2016
During the twenties, a young woman appeared with injuries to the head and arm, who had been found in an asylum and said to be Anastasia Romanov, the last daughter of Nicholas II.
She had no papers and was known as Mrs. Tchaikowski, later given papers by the name of Anna Anderson. But the name Tchaikowski is connected to a long and intriguing story.
According to Anna, she was Grand Duchess Anastasia. In 1918, on the night of July 17, where the Romanov family and their servants were killed, the legend goes that when they put the bodies in the truck that would take them to a mine hidden in the forest, one of the men, a guy named Tchaikowski, Discovered that one of the girls was alive.
The girl stalked in the middle of that pile of bodies heaped up inside the truck.
If we took into account that there was a lot of nervousness and tension going on in a dark night, it would not be difficult to disappear in a body.
Read more about Russian Revolution.
Then she disappeared that night, saving herself from the massacre. Tchaikowski took her home to friendly people and then to her own home. In the middle of the story, he raped her and Anna had a son, who was left in an orphanage when she went to Germany to find her relatives in exile for the revolution. From the descriptions made by many people who had had contact with Anna / Anastasia, the young woman must have been mentally disturbed by the trauma she had suffered, not to mention the numerous injuries (the most severe ones in the head and arm) aggravated by a tuberculosis that she came to Perhaps because of the hardships it has gone through. When she was discovered by Russian monarchs exiled in Germany, Anna was very ill and many people were willing to help her.
It is difficult to know, in this story, who acted for pure idealism, for the desire for justice. Most helped the young woman out of interest, some members of the imperial family came to recognize her as Anastasia, but later they denied the fact, so did professors and servants.
Only a few sustained to the end their initial opinions. Some, like the old professor Pirre Gilliard, wrote a book called "The false Anastasia", in which it tried to unmask completely Anna Anderson. But one thing is certain: how could she know of secret facts that only members of the imperial family or high court officials could have knowledge of?
What Anna Anderson knew was much more than an ordinary person could know about the imperial family, including state secrets. This is undoubtedly a mystery. For example: During the war, the brother of Czarina, Grand Duke Ernst of Darmstadt, went to Russia to try to separate peace from Germany with Russia. This was a secret voyage, which only the secret servants of the two countries and their high dignitaries knew.
In the twenties and thirties, with the end of the war and the change of policy, it would be unacceptable for any member of the nobility, politician or even a common German to confess that he had been in Russia during the war. Whoever did it would be accused of treason. However, in the greatest innocence, when Anna was shown a picture of Duke Ernst, she not only recognized him but also claimed to have seen him in the imperial palace during a visit during the war. The Duke was furious, denied such an assertion, and also refused to recognize Anna as Anastasia, claiming that his sister's children were dead and that Anna was an impostor.
The Duke was saving his neck and his reputation, for he could not publicly admit this fact. That seeming niece Anastasia was having a real nightmare. What if someone believed her? However, Anna Anderson spent her entire life claiming to be Anastasia.
A few years later, a DNA test was performed with her hair, which was in a book by her deceased American husband Mr. Manahan, and stated that Anna was not Anastasia.
What would happen if Anastasia were alive or showing up?
Hypothesis 1: Could the Communist Party give back power to Grand Duchess Anastasia? Probably not, the Russian Revolution marks the transition from an imperial and aristocratic society to a socialist country (with the idea of ​​ending inequality). And if he were alive, at the end of the Soviet Union he would be about 88 years old. And, above all else, the Russian population wouldn't again adopt monarchy as a form of government.
Hypothesis 2: Anastasia couldn't be Empress of Russia by law.
According to the law of 1797, created by Emperor Paul, which established five criteria:
"1 - Any applicant must be male, as long as there is a male available.
2- Must be orthodox.
3- The mother and the wife must be orthodox.
4- Any marriage should be with a woman of equal rank, of a ruling family.
5. And he can only marry the czar's permission on the throne.
If you lose in any of the five items, it is out of the question. "
Hypothesis 3: If Anastasia appeared after the massacre?
If she showed up, she would be killed just the same, for being part of the family and having real blood.
Hypothesis 4: Would there be in the possibility that Anastasia lived as a normal person?
In that possibility, she might at the beginning, but some time somebody would recognize her, hand her over and eventually she would be dead.
And finally, in all cases she would be dead.
* Ps .: These hypotheses were made in the name of Anastasia and not of Maria (the true missing Grand Duchess) to harmonize with Anna Anderson.