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Get to know the revolution that succeeded the fall of the Romanov family.
By Bianca Nobre and Maria Beatriz Bartoly
Updated in 29/10/2016                                   

   Russia was bound to go through revolutionary turmoil, for it was a feudal country in the mid-twentieth century. It had no constitution, the people had no guarantees or civil rights and everything belonged to the Czar. He and his family were the ones who determined the fate of the people. Even a request for a name change had to be made to the Czar and granted by him, if that were the case. The noble class came just below the imperial family and the clergy, the bourgeoisie that emerged was practically excluded from politics, and the vast majority, the mob, were composed of workers, small officials and merchants, and in the countryside by peasants. The landlord, usually a nobleman, owned everything and the peasant worked, but he wasn't the owner of the land and had to account for the owner. Only a few, in distant regions, possessed a small portion of land and some animals. The rest was very poor.

* 1 ("Civilization turned the peasant into a donkey.")

  The city workers (proletariat) had no working rules, such as hours and security, holidays or other benefits. They worked in terrible conditions, without school, hospitals or any kind of assistance for themselves or their families. Few were the literate. They said that the Russian Revolution was a city revolution. The workers worked closely with one another and communicated with those of other factories, and so on. Their physical proximity also brought them together politically, as they could exchange ideas, discuss their lives and their longings for the future. The field only entered the Revolution by table, so to speak, and also by promises of agrarian reform, that would divide the land between them.
*2 ("... the proletariat in power will emerge from the peasantry as an emancipatory class." / "... power will come into the hands of that class that played the leading role in the struggle - in other words: into the hands of the proletariat . ")


    The Revolution, in fact, was composed of two revolutions. The first, the one of February, put Alexandre Kerensky in the government. Kerensky was a socialist lawyer who exercised his profession defending the interests of political prisoners and workers, but when he came to power he did not have the strength to carry out the reforms that the situation demanded. It made agreements with the parties of the possessing classes and committed its greater political error: continued in World War I. Now the people wanted peace and bread, and war could bring none of them.
* 3 ("Power fell into the hands of the petty-bourgeois bourgeoisie, masquerading as the colors of socialism.")

   The February Revolution was a movement that captivated the entire population of cities, especially St. Petersburg and Moscow, involving countless parties and spreading throughout the country. However, as the Kerensky government did not meet the expectations of the population, it turned to those who promised it what it dreamed or what seemed to it best.
* 4 ( "The February Revolution proved incapable of solving both the agrarian problem and the national one.")

    Both the Bolshevik Party of Lenin, in a matter of a few months has grown enormously by getting the support of many and even other parties, such as the Left Social Revolutionaries.
In October, while the Mensheviks believed in the possible changes necessary in the country without abrupt political transformation, the Bolsheviks, on the other hand, enticed that the necessary changes would only come about when the popular took the lead in power. And so it was, the Bolsheviks seized power and the civil war began.
In 1918, Russia was seized by the civil war led by the Bolsheviks directly against the monarchist troops. The Romanov family came to be seen as a traitor and in that same year, the advance of the Red Army was marked by the execution of the royal family.


   The Romanovs were taken to Tobolsk at the beginning, which is in Siberia. Ekaterinburg lies in the eastern part of the Ural Mountains, a mountain range at the gates of Siberia. In Tobolsk, they were imprisoned in the governor's house. Then the tsar was allegedly taken to stand trial in Moscow. The Tsarina decided to go with him and took the Grand Duchess Maria with her, leaving the other children behind because Alexei was sick. Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia stayed with him. When Tsar, Tsarina and Maria went to Moscow with Commissar Yakolev, specially designated by the Moscow Soviet for this, they were stopped by the Soviet of the Urals who demanded that Yakolev give them the Tsar and his family. Yakolev had few people with him and had no alternative but to give in. Then they were taken to Ekaterinburg, their final destination.
After a few weeks, Anastasia, Alexei, Tatiana and Olga joined them in the house Ipatiev, in Ekaterinburg, where they lost wealth and even dignity; Dignity, for example, had to do "everything" with guards guarding and the Duchess were humiliated by these by the corners of the house, already the riches like jewels, diamonds were sewn by the Czarina in their corpets and their daughters.
After several isolated months at dawn, Czar Nicholas and his family were awakened by the guards with the excuse that the White Army was nearby, and so they were taken to the basement, from which they never left again.


   The explanation given to the extermination and incrimination of the tsar's family began to weaken at a time when the Russian socialist regime was in crisis in the late twentieth century. The image on the Romanov established a great controversy among the Russians. Orthodox Christians regarded them as holy through the terrible persecutions they suffered. Not by chance, the Church itself decided to promote the process of canonization of the Romoanov family. 

Read more about Canonization.

The Revolution came out victorious after the Red Army, organized by Leon Trotsky, beat the White Army.
"White" meant not only the monarchists, but also those who, being Republicans, did not want the Bolsheviks in power. In any case, the whites were defeated and their commander, General Denikin, went into exile and died in 1947.

* All quotations are from Trotsky, Leon. "The History of the Russian Revolution" - vol.3 The Triumph of the Soviets.

Information about the murder:

Names of platoon components: Gregory Nikulin, Piotre Ermakov, Mikhail Kudrin, Paul Medvedev, Alexei Kabanov, Mikhail Kabanov, Victor Netrebin, a man named only by Soames and Rudolf Lacher.
The latter was not Russian, but reliable authors take their participation in the execution as certain. There were ten men plus Yurovsky.

Weapons used in the massacre:
- Fourteen weapons were used that night (July 16 to 17, 1918):
- Six pistols: two Browning calibers 28 and 32, two American Colt 45 caliber and two Mauser 32 (the most powerful weapons);
- Eight handguns: a 42-gauge Smith & Wesson, four 30-gauge Nagant and three 35-gauge Nagant (Russian weapons).
Of the fourteen weapons, nine (Nagant and Colt) used gunpowder, which caused a lot of smoke in the enclosure. According to Yurovsky's report, after they started firing, no one could see almost anything because of the smoke.
And in the end, 103 shots fired.
The jewels that the Czarina stitched on the bodices were an essential factor in elucidating how they died. Because they were dressed in jewels (remember the saying "diamonds are eternal"?), The shooters could not hit the princesses, because the bodices acted as bulletproof vests. Then the shooters (mostly young and inexperienced) began to stay Nervous, thinking there was something supernatural about it.
In the end, they had to use bayonets to kill them.

There were, according to authors who extensively researched the moment of the firing, two rounds of shots.
Guns at that time didn't have as many bullets as they did today and they had to be reloaded.
The eleven men formed two rows of snipers, and during the shooting, some in the front row were wounded by the bullets of those who fired from behind. Example: one was injured in the ear, because the bullet that was destined to the family wounded it of raspão. Others were deaf for several hours because of the sound of gunfire right behind them. Let us remember that the basement of the house Ipatiev was not large. There were eleven victims (the Romanovs, plus the three servants and Dr.Botkin), plus the eleven shooters.

Check out the documentary directed by National Geographic about the last days of Romanov's life and the discovery of the bones of Maria and Alexei.
I'm sorry, the documentary is in Portuguese.

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